To me, this image looks like some sort of evil ghoul. I see the first two parallel blank spots as angry eyes, and the 3rd blank spot below it as an eerie, creepy smile. The two blobs on the top of his head, one on each side, reminds me of a pair of horns or something. And the 3 blobs in between is hair. The dripping blob at the bottom looks like a goatee.
bat (3):

This looks to me like a moth. The two lines up top looks like antennas sticking out of it's head. The brown and olive dark colors reminds me of the colors of a moth. The round light figure behind it, reminds me even more of a moth because as we all know, moths are attracted to light and light bulbs.
two gnomes dance the celebratory hopaky (5):

This time, I do agree with what you see, Professor McNair. The pointy shapes remind of little gnome hats, and they seem to be meeting in the middle of the image as if they were holding hands, dancing. The pink, purple and other bright colors give this image a happy and ecstatic mood. The white blotch between the pink and dark of the two figures almost looks like a gnome's beard. And the pink with the bit of red above that white beard has the impression of a fact with pink, rosy cheeks. They seem to be bowing in their dance.
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