Friday, March 5, 2010

EDF 1005- Reflection 18

“In America, education has always been viewed as a vehicle for improving society at large.” I agree with this quote. I believe that the basis of a good society stands in a proper education. Students who are given adequate education usually grow up to be intelligent, socially moral individuals. Seeing as I received an 83% in reconstruction/critical theory in my education philosophy quiz, I think it’s only natural that I would agree with this statement. I find that this is true. I see the world becoming more and more of a tough place to live for certain people. I see the America doesn’t want education, they want guns. As a Critical Theorist, I believe it is important to reeducate the world. It will be difficult because one person can only reach so many people, but if those people we reach out grow up to want to do the same and reach out to people and reeducate the world to be a more livable place, then eventually things might turn out for the best. It is a little bit unrealistic, but it’s called hope. I know that hope can never replace action, but the action is education. The world becoming a better place starts with one step at a time, person by person. Seeing as we are regular people, and not anyone in power (i.e.: government) we don’t have the ability to get rid of all the violence, guns, hate, etc. However, by educating the younger society and directing them to become understanding people, we can reshape society. As an educator, I would love to be able to help my students understand the world and other parts of it, not only their own little local world to be able to reconstruct society and have them be open minded and understanding of other cultures. Not only do I believe that a better society should consist of understanding, moral, appreciate their earth and culturally aware people but I think they should be knowledgeable in many areas and be able to provide for themselves and family. A proper education assists in directing a student into the right direction to be able to do this. Many students graduate from high school, if they are motivated, with an idea of what they want to do in college and what career path they would like to choose. Not everyone is wealthy. If education is only available for wealthy people as it once was, only the high class areas will be intellectual and considered a “good society.” Every child has the right to be properly educated and to live in a good and safe society. I believe teaching is a great way to reach out to the younger generation and direct them to grow up to be good adults, so that they can pass on these good habits to more generations to come. The start of a new and improved society might progress slowly but it can start with just one class.

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